12 Ways To Change Your Mindset From Negative To Positive Thoughts
Change Your Mindset from Negative to Positive Thoughts
Read a really neat article this morning in South Carolina Woman Magazine dated July 2016 by Kim Fowler and in her article “Use Your Mind to Change Your Life,” she talks about how “not enough people are using their mindset to their advantage and how they are using reactive thinking which leans more towards negative thoughts.”
It seems like I have become more aware of the term “mindset,” maybe, it’s because I am working on improving mine.
In this article she cited “12 Ways to shift your thinking to a fuller, happier, abundant and more successful life.”
Below are my takeaways from these 12 ways:
1. Look at challenging situations from how you confirm or resolve them into positive thoughts and set a plan on how you will do it.
2. Choose your thoughts wisely. Your mind can ONLY handle on thought at a time. By changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts you will be more relaxed and happier.
3. Forget about old negative memories. They Are Over. Do not use them to justify your feelings of guilt, anger or sadness. They have absolutely no impact on the new thoughts and don’t do you any good. Change your thoughts to positive and reap the abundance.
4. Other people’s perception will be different from yours and there is nothing you can do about it. Do NOT live in fear of what other people think.
5. Don’t let others dictate your emotions. Put it out of your mind and think about pleasant things.
6. If someone is constantly tearing you down or criticizing you, especially in mixed company, have courage, don’t get upset. Walk away. Don’t let fear take over.
7. Create your own vision board and focus your thoughts on your goals and dreams; your life will turn around and you will be the better person. FOCUS and take positive action.
8. Confront your fears, take control and with positive action your self-esteem will soar.
9. Get rid of negative self-talk. Turn it around with positive thoughts, improved self-esteem and tell yourself why you deserve to have whatever you want.
10. From time to time we all have crisis in our lives. Face them, relax your mind, calm down, be focused and think effectively about what is your next step.
11. Stop making excuses for your actions that have contributed to a bad situation or decision. Take control of your action(s); make a plan of how you will turn this situation around and in your favor. Own up to your mistake(s) and learn from them. It is all part of the living process.
12. If you find yourself thinking “if only …” STOP IT! That is history; Get over it and let it go!!!
If your self-confidence needs a boost or your vision (plan) is being held back, consider a “life coach,” or a “life coach workshop.”
Originally published September 14, 2016
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