Does Your Desk Represent You?
By Jill Klunk October 16, 2018 Category: Life Lessons
Does Your Desk Represent You?
Well, it’s not the best kept and if awards were given out today it would be only for good intentions.
In my morning readings I came across an article in “South Carolina Living” by Jan Igoe and she states:
“Many females are born with a neatness chromosome, but it must have been bundled with mathematical aptitude and distribution in a line I totally missed when parts were being handled out.”
Well folks, Jan and I, fall into that same category, when it comes to keeping my office “spic ‘n span” it always looks like a work in progress.
I’ve tried to master skills and tricks to keep my office neat as a pin and despite the fact that I have all of the tools, i.e. Steam cleaners, vacuums and the list goes on, I am not wired for championship cleaning. I am more apt to work in the yard, go for a ride on my bike or take long walks with my fur-babies.
It’s not voluntary and I do not have any dead animals in my kitchen, but I never have been the “Suzy clean freak” either.
Well, there is some good news for people like me — “clutterholics.” Jan states “studies have shown that neatness kicks creativity to the curb … but you’re more likely to come up with brilliant out-of-the-box solutions with a desk covered with books and notes.” I guess I would get the award then.
“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” ~ Albert Einstein.
Your work space speaks for itself and tells a lot about you.
Why not let it work for you?
4 Tips On How Your Desk Space Can For You:
1. Make It A Talking Point — The stories that come from your desk can help people, including your boss, make a character assessment about you and your desk acts as a great icebreaker.
2. Keep It Current — If you have pictures of your children keep it current — you are not living in the past.
3. Work To Your Strengths — If you want to be a Leader, keep your desk neat like a Leader and that you are managing things well.
4. Give It Personality — Your desk isn’t your FaceBook timeline and should not look like a scrapbook.
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