Excellent article and you are right one in saying “It really is fun to look back on the things I’ve written, even if it is less than five years old. In some ways we move forward with our writing, and in other ways we are constantly circling around the same ideas. The great thing about publishing your work is that you are not the only one who gets to trace your progress. By publishing your work early and often, you invite the public to follow your development.”
I, like yourself did not think that my writing was worth much until I submitted one of my articles, to Celebrity Press, in Oct. 2015, for consideration for inclusion ina book that was to be published in Spring of 2016.
I did not think I had a chance. Low and behold I received notification in January 2016 that my article had been accepted. My heart about stopped. So, in June 2016 my chapter was published in the book “Ignite Your Life” with Brian Tracy.
Long story short, you must believe in yourself and keep on gettin’ it. As a result of this I, like you, have continued to write.
Jill Klunk, Author, Blogger and Affiliate Marketer