Retargeting — Do You Use It In Your Business?
By Jill Klunk September 21, 2018 Category: Retargeting
I was reading an article the other day by Joshua Gill called “Retargeting — How to Use It to Dominate Your Business” and his opening line was:
“Did you know that 96% of first time visitors on your site don’t make a purchase or convert into a lead?”
WOW! Now that is a real eye opener for those of us who are home-based entrepreneurs. I don’t know about you, but 4% won’t even begin to pay the electric bill.
So, what is the answer?
There are probably several different answers to this but the author states:
“Retargeting gives your business a second chance to get back in front of your potential customers when they leave your site.” He goes on to say that we MUST “leverage our retargeting” to increase our overall bottom line. ~ Joshua Gill
Some business owners feel that just because they get some social shares out of these potential customers that are good enough.
And some home business owners and marketers don’t even consider, well alone, use retargeting nor do they see the benefits.
When in fact, if retargeting is used properly it can increase your conversions considerably. This is also called leveraging retargeting and that is topic for a later blog.
Can I Control My Audience’s “Buying Process” With Retargeting?
The answer is YES.
Everyone follows certain steps when they search for business opportunities. The ideal process is when they first see your opportunity they have an AH-HA moment and pull out their credit card and buy.
With the help of Google they can either spend a lot time or use keywords and phrases to locate your business opportunity.
Our job as business owners is to control the buying process and retargeting provides the vehicle to do just that.
Through the use of your well defined Avatar you are not only able to discover their buying process, but it also depends on how much your audience knows about your product and market conditions.
Put yourself in their shoes and think back what you did before you made your first business opportunity purchase.
Using myself as an example, I knew that I always wanted to own an online business. Using the following criteria it helped me to fine tune my decision:
· I could initially work part-time from the comfort of my home;
· It did not cost me an arm-and–a leg;
· It provided training and solved my target audience’s problems at a profit.
Instead of purchasing this product I decided to shop around some more. So I continued on with my search collecting information on different companies.
I became so overwhelmed with the amount of information and opportunities I wasn’t sure who to trust. As a result, I did not take any action. Sound familiar?
I knew that with my 30+ years in management I had something of value to share with my audience and started looking at opportunities where I could start my own blog.
That is when I had my “AH-HA” moment. So here I am back at the drawing board again searching.
I found several articles on blogging and how I could start my own blog and clicked on the link requesting more information.
To make a long story short on July 7, 2015 I overcame my fears and received more information that built my trust and allowed me to go forward with my life-long desire to have my own online business (
So, how does one go about implementing retargeting in their business process?
Implementing retargeting into your business system is not something that is done initially.
· What should be done is run other advertising campaigns and blog posts and once you start getting traffic, embed “retargeting pixels” onto the converting pieces.
· Provide more content (blogs) that are related to the first article and include a call-to-action (CTA) such as an “opt-in” page.
Keep in mind, the reader(s) may not be ready to take action but, it is one way for you to add them to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) list and keep in touch with your follow-up system providing them with more information until they decide to buy or discontinue their search.
Since so many people are on YouTube today looking for information, you should also be using it in your video marketing system. Both YouTube and Google have a retargeting option called remarketing for you to take advantage of.
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Affiliate Marketing is my business … Blogging is my voice.