Spring Cleaning Your Business
Where should you start?
What are you doing each day that you shouldn’t be?
· Are you doing paperwork that is not your strength?
· Are you focused on too many different projects?
· Are you spreading yourself too thin and using too many different forms of lead generation for your business?
Take a moment and think about all of the things that you could just stop doing or have someone else do. Think about the success you could have if you only worked on one project or only used two main sources of lead generation.
“To be everywhere, is to be nowhere.” — Seneca
By running around in a circle we don’t accomplish anything other than getting dizzy. Choose a path and follow that path. Focus on the things that bring you a return and don’t worry about all of the other things your competitors are doing. Let them waste their energy.
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” ~ Alexander Graham Bell
Now let’s look at our life.
What are you doing each day that you could clean out of your life?
· Are you spending time with people who you know you shouldn’t be?
· Are you eating and drinking too much of the things you should cut out?
· Are you filling your mind with negative thoughts from too much news, Internet, victim friends?
Take a moment and figure which of these, or what other things, it is that you could remove from your life at least in small doses as you work on your ongoing cleaning.
Remember as you prune the weak buds and branches off of a rose-bush, the other roses will grow stronger and larger. The same can be said for you if you take a moment to spring clean your business and your life your business will grow stronger and larger.
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