The Ole To-Do List
Read a very interesting article this morning on the preverbal To-Do List by Alex Charfen, CEO of the Charfen Institute.
‘With the technology we have today and the instant access of information we have become reactive as people. It is our status quo. We are too quick to pick up our smartphones just to see who called us or what is happening in our circles. As a result we have become “reactionary,” whether it is important or not.’
So, what’s wrong with reactionary?
Nothing, but it is ruling our lives. Our smartphone is making us less smart and dependent on them. This reactionary is the direct opposite of “proactivity.”
We are reacting to e-mails, social media, Instagram’s, etc., in lieu of being proactive.
Alex defines proactivity as “you deciding the outcome of your time and moving toward your goals.” Conversely, reactivity is being dictated to by others with very few of the tasks will help you to meet your goals and time in mind.
As entrepreneurs, the only way to succeed is to be in control of our time and effort, and reactivity doesn’t allow you to be in control.
How do we resolve this?
Quite simply, it’s changing your habits. Create new proactive habits that ensure you are focusing on the right things daily for both you and your business.
This method is called “Planning and Solitude.”
Start each day by focusing on and outlining your intention for the day, without distraction.
Do this before you get to the office, open your e-mail or even look at your phone. It is intended to get your mindset in a proactive direction and finding what will move you forward and committed to your goals.
Alex recommends the following steps:
1. Start first thing in the morning, with the right frame of mind (mindset). This may require you to get up a little earlier in the morning.
2. Use the same place every day. Find a spot that’s quiet and distraction free. This helps to create a habit and a sense of stability.
I choose to get a cup of coffee and sit on the patio and watch the sun come up.
3. Eliminate Distraction. This is your quiet time away from all electronic devices. Just a pen and paper is all you need. Set a course for your goals and a path toward meeting or exceeding these goals.
4. Don’t Just Make a “TO-DO List. Be intentional, ask yourself what is your intention for the day and how can you move closer to your goals? What impact will it have on what you have scheduled for the day? If nothing, forget it. Move on and start over.
Set your intentions for the day first!
5. Set-up a pattern to proactivity that builds momentum. Practice “Planning & Solitude” by starting your day by focusing on and outlining your intentions for the day and moving forward to meet your goals. You will have plenty of time to read your e-mails and check on your social media.
Start practicing “Planning & Solitude” today, and take your days back, move forward in a proactive way to meet your goals.
It all starts with changing your habits and what you are willing to commit to.
Change your habits and you can change your impact.
“Think, Learn and Do ~ Three traits of a successful entrepreneur.”
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