Will Your Business Be Greener in 2019?
How To Make Tour Business Greener in 2019
A business offers a number of benefits:
· It saves money
· It helps improve the environment.
· You can use your “green” status to help market your business.
In fact, greening your business is a great New Year’s Resolution. Here’s how to make your business greener in 2019.
Step 1: Identify your existing habit and practices.
Spend a week or two analyzing your current habits and practices. What habits need to be changed to become more “greener”? For example, do you commonly print ALL agreements or receipts? Do you leave your computer and electronics on at night when you’re not using them?
Step 2: Research How Far You Can Take It.
How green do you want to go? For example, do you want to simply modify your existing habits? OR do you want to consider becoming a business that runs solely on natural energy? Decide exactly how green you want to go.
Step 3: Start Laying Out Your Plan.
You’ve identified the habits you want to change to support a greener business. You have also made a decision about, how green you want to be. Now it’s time to plan for success. To achieve success you’re going to need to change your habits. The easiest way to change a habit is to replace it with a NEW one.
For example, if you have realized that you often leave your electronics on when you’re not using them, you can modify this habit by plugging everything into a power strip. Then you simply turn off the strip when you’re not using these items.
If you’re making major changes like converting to 100% solar power you’re going to want to investigate how to make it happen. This will require not only a change of habit but also a complete overhaul of many of your systems.
Achieving success takes a commitment. Consider motivating yourself with a reward when you achieve success. For example, if you’re converting your office to 100% solar energy you might throw a party to celebrate your accomplishment. This is also a great way to generate some press and publicity. You could speak at your local small business association or Chamber of Commerce on how you made your “business greener.”
Going green is a noble goal. You’ll not only save money for your business, you’ll improve the world around you. Identify where you can make changes and then create a plan to make it happen.
To Your Success!
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